How to Fake Your Progress Pictures for Instagram (aka how everyone else is doing it)

Have you ever compared yourself to someone on Instagram and then looked in the mirror and wondered, “why the hell don’t I look like that?”

Well if you haven’t, you’re lucky. The majority of females reading this deal with negative body issues on the daily. While having a feed full of ripped women can be disheartening, I’m here to tell you the life hack to making yourself look better than you really do on Instagram.

These fitness and physique hacks are what almost every influencer is doing to enhance their physique. These are just a few of the many posing tricks that are used, but keep in mind that, in addition to this; lighting, clothing, performance enhancing drugs, Photoshop, injections, and surgery are also common nowadays. If you’re shocked by the quick transformation in this video, imagine what the rest of these can do.

I want to mention that I’m not sharing this information to put anyone down, but instead to remind you that it is okay to be natural. It is beautiful to be natural. This isn’t a competition, but if you want to learn some of the easier tricks for your pictures, here they are!

There are a few reasons I made this video:

  • In the fitness industry, it’s easy to lie and manipulate an audience who may not know these five second hacks. One reason this is important to understand is so that you’re not easily manipulated. Many people use fake “progress pictures” to sell products and/or programs. This is one of the ways how.

  • The second reason is to teach you the tricks if you don't already know them incase you want to get in the game too (just plz not for scams🥵)

  • The most important reason for sharing this information is for women who are struggling with body image; realize that most people don't post their pictures when they look bad. AKA stop comparing yourself to others. Some people don't even look like their pictures. 

    And if that doesn’t help, just remember: most people don’t look at someone and remember their value based on how skinny they were or how big their butt was. Your value lies in who you are as a person, so whether or not you want to flex your abs or make your butt look bigger on camera doesn’t really matter. Just don’t forget what’s truly important at the end of the day.

Lexes O'Hara

I’m a personal trainer and powerlifting coach who got involved with fitness due to my past struggles with mental health and confidence. My intention is to help people grow physically and mentally into the life they can’t stop dreaming about.

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