Glute Program | Workout Spreadsheet for Glute Strength


The glute strength training program is a 5 day lifting routine that prioritizes building strength and size in your glutes. The structure is based on progressive overload and utilizes supersets with compound and isolation movements. (i.e. a squat superset with a hip thrust). Small progress in technique, form, or strength are likely to be seen from week to week.

This program can be repeated each month (see details below).

This is designed for individuals looking to train and work their full body, with a strong emphasis on the glute muscles. You will need your standard gym equipment for this program.

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Why Strengthen Your Glutes?

Let’s toss societal beauty standards aside. Strong glutes are important for men and women for many other reasons. Strong glutes enhance our posture, stability, and spine health. For our athletes, it also improves athletic performance and reduces risk of injury (i.e. ankle or knees). By prioritizing glute strength, you'll experience a positive impact on your overall well-being, functional fitness, and sense of empowerment.

How to repeat this program after the first month:

Beginner: Focus on increasing the weight from week 1 (from the first time you went through it).

Intermediate: Focus on a slightly harder variation of the exercise

Advanced: Modify the exercise so that its a more advanced exercise variation from the original program (i.e. hip thrusts -> hip thrust with a 5s eccentric, emphasis on control)

If you have any questions about the program, please reach out via e-mail: